Sunday, 18 September 2011

No sound but the wind

Today's song is by the Editors. This would have been such an appropriate title for Monday when the gale force winds were blowing across the country. I was going to attempt to write something profound in my blog post today seeing as I’ve been a bit lazy with the whole random song a day thing but then I thought nah, I’d rather attempt another haiku. So here you go:

No sound but the wind

As night falls, she comes knocking
Whispers in the air:
Can you hear me, are you there?


  1. ooooooohhhhh love it! Gentle and eerie, but nice! :D
    Really liking the pic and the song title is absolutely lovely!!! :) Thanks for sharing hun!!! xxx

  2. Thanks for reading and commenting:) I'm liking this haiku thing - you should give it a goxx

  3. That's lovely and atmospheric - and what a great photo.

  4. I came across the image on some free image, dreamscapes site. thought it suited the mood of the haiku!
