Monday, 2 December 2013


Paris ~ streets of inspiration

November, where did you go? That's my excuse for not posting last month - it simply disappeared too quickly. I know a few writers read this and I'm curious to know; where do you get your ideas and inspiration from?

I read a good article in the November issue of Writing magazine titled 'Ten inspiring ideas to try instead of NaNoWriMo'. In this, the author Ben Hatch suggested keeping a diary for a month, writing about something that's happened to you, or recording real events and conversations. He suggested writing for 45 minutes every day. I've not managed quite that extent of writing in my 'diary' but I've found it a really useful tool to record thoughts, ideas, and unusual conversations or things I've seen. Ideas for stories have sometimes formed half way through recording thoughts and observations from my day, and I'm sure many more will appear when I read back through the diary. I'm not going to stick to just a month, but will keep going with it until I fill the notebook. It's also a good use for one of the many lovely notebooks I've been given as gifts from friends/family!

Something else which I find is bringing inspiration is Pinterest, not necessarily for writing - some boards I've come across are sparking lots of art ideas. It was thanks to my Mum that I joined up to this and have had fun creating my own 'boards', though I could easily spend way too much time on it so have to limit myself! It's amazing the quirky images and products you can find when you search under certain subjects. When I was putting together my 'All Things Alice in Wonderland' board I came across one titled 'Worn any good books lately' which features hundreds of clothes and jewellery inspired by famous literature. Love it!
Click to see my boards

Last month I went to the Lighthouse in Glasgow to check out their current exhibitions and came across one titled '365 drawings later' by an artist called Anna Gibb. She recorded her whole year in sketches and it featured lots of images from her travels across Europe and America. I love this idea as her sketches pulled out little details that would be difficult to capture on camera, and think it would make a really interesting sketchbook diary. I've come across a few blogs lately where people have captured weekends or days in photos and I also like that idea! Maybe some projects to experiment with next year...


  1. Your post is really inspiring itself, Vikki.
    I love Pinterest too and have used it to gather images that relate to the novel I'm writing. It's helpful to look at it from time to time in order to bring some of the scenes I wrote ages ago back to life again. However, I also have to limit my time on it as I could easily spend all day browsing through other people's boards.
    I'm inspired by music. Or even a waft of perfume can spark an idea. And a good film at the cinema always sets me thinking about setting and character. I do make notes of odd things people say. It's surprising how just a few words can put something in motion. My novel was originally inspired by my eldest daughter learning to drive, which sparked a childhood memory of my father's first car. That small memory has grown into 135,000 words now.
    But the most inspiring time for me is when I sit down to write. Once I'm in the hot seat and let my mind wander, the ideas start to come.
    Thank you for a lovely post, Vikki, and good luck with all your projects. x

    1. Thanks for your thoughtful comment, Joanna. That's a great idea to put together a board relating to the novel you're writing and love that your novel idea was sparked by a childhood memory - well done on writing 135,000 words! There's no better feeling when you sit down to write and the ideas flow. Good luck with your book! x

  2. Great post on inspiration, Vikki. Must look out for that article (I'm way behind) - sounds interesting. Music and paintings inspire, as well as places sometimes.

    1. Music and art are definitely inspirational for me too!

  3. Hey Vikki - very good question! For me, inspiration comes from so many different places. Overheard conversations or people-watching and wondering where people are going to as they pass by on busy streets often has me spiralling off into a fantasy land, so capturing all these things in a notebook is a great idea. I haven't had so much time this month even for journalling, but reading back over thoughts and experiences can inspire new stories or allow you to tap back in to how you felt at that time. Great if it was wandering the streets of Paris! Seeing new things/places/shops/design is great for sparking off ideas and reading different magazines too can introduce you to new ideas and perspectives. I picked up some photography mags while in London a few months back and often go to places like the Lighthouse or GOMA at lunchtime. Inspiration is all around! And definitely available 24/7 on Pinterest!

    1. Hi Rebecca, I definitely agree that visiting new places can be stimulating. I like the idea of reading a wider range of magazines - can imagine the photography one would be inspiring. I'm jealous you get to wander to such places on your lunch hour:) x

  4. Hi Vikki, I always write a travel diary and collect postcards, tickets, leaflets etc when I go on holiday. I stick them all in scrapbooks when I get back along with the pages from my diary (written only on one side!) so I can refer to them at any time. I almost enjoy making them as much as travelling!!

    1. Hi Jean, That's a great idea to stick everything in scrapbooks from your travels. I've started to do something similar and it's a great way to capture memories and look over for inspiration!
